TatukGIS menu

Editor / Viewer Features

  Editor Viewer
Per user, perpetual +  
Free user license (for personal and commercial use)   +
Trial version for 10-day evaluation period +  
Product upgrade/update versions (often released monthly)  * + +
Technical support via email    +  
Help file documentation for each menu item online (and from Help menu) + +
Built-in scripting engine API documentation online +  
Knowledge base and Question and Answer resources online + +
Hosted web tile server with OpenStreetMap worldwide dataset * + +
     *    First 12 months included with license purchase, renewable.    
Operating Systems    
Windows: 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012, and 2008. System requirements same as for the Windows operating system. + +
64-bit Windows + +
32-bit Windows (runs also on 64-bit Windows versions) + +
Language localization    
TatukGIS hosted language translation editor for systematically localizing the software user interface (menus, dialogs, and messages) to any language + +
Flexible language selection for program user interface + +
Unicode support for all foreign language characters + +
Open/render 75+ vector, grid, image, and database layer formats (natively, without format conversion) + +
Open or add layer from a server using WMS, WFS, TMS, WMTS and map tile protocols + +
Open, create, customize, save multi-layer map projects (including projects creatd by some third-party products) + +
Visual layer properties control for deep customization of all aspects of the map appearance (colors, polygon fills, line styles, outlines, symbols, labels, transparency, coordinate system, etc.) + +
Legend panel control to organize layers, layer priority, hierarchical layers, layer grouping, sub-layers, etc. + +
Attribute data grid panel presenting full attribute data of a layer, with SQL query features that interact with map + +
Scale control + +
North arrow control + +
Mini map panel + +
Layers of different data formats and coordinate systems in same map project with on-the-fly layer reprojection + +
Render geometry, styles, labels, etc., based on scale and attribute query + +
Thematic (choropleth) maps for data classification using methods such as equal interval, quantile, natural breaks, standard deviation + +
Color ramps for use with any layer (vector, grid, DEM) + +
Rendering wizard for data classification and applying color ramps + +
Dynamic shape aggregation (binning, clustering, shape reduction) for simplified map presentation of large datasets + +
Spatial query using extent, line, circle, rectangle, polygon, buffer, custom clipboard layer, and using DE-9IM intersection model + +
Attribute query using SQL Query Builder with formulas + +
Map hints to display information about map feature under the cursor + +
Map hotlinks (link map object via URL to any web site, document, or mailto) + +
Pie and bar charts + +
Measurement tools (length/distance, area, perimeter) + +
R-tree spatial indexing for best performance with huge vector layers + +
Progressive background rendering vector/raster basemap layer(s) + +
Antialiased output for enhanced map rendering quality + +
GPU enhanced rendering and high resolution 4K monitor support + +
Labels, Lines, Symbols    
Dynamic label placement, follow-the-line, overlap avoidance, multi-field + +
Advanced label formatting features including formulas + +
Labels using layer statistics with formulas + +
Extended line style designer enabling unlimited line style possibilities + +
Render points, lines, and fills using SVG and CGM symbols, images, and fonts + +
Built-in 1,000+ SVG symbols library including S-57 nautical symbols and highway & route shields + +
Coordinate Systems    
Advanced support with 5,000+ geographic and projected coordinate systems predefined + +
150+ projections, 900+ datums to custom define coordinate systems + +
Naming consistent with OpenGIS WKT definitions and EPSG codes + +
Automatic layer coordinate system recognition (with PRJ, World, and TAB registration file support) + +
Reprojection of vector/raster layer to project coordinate system, on-the-fly + +
Rotation of vector/raster layers, on-the-fly +  
Export layer or selected subset to different coordinate system (with PRJ, World, or TAB registration file) +  
Handy integrated coordinate system search tool + +
Printing, predefined print templates, print preview + +
Print template editor +  
Print to PDF file (with full map resolution and composition) + +
Export to image file the full map composition in full or reduced resolution +  
Vector Editing, Operations, and Analysis    
Creating and editing shape geometry and attributes; attribute editing possible also using the data grid panel +  
Special shape drawing tools: circle, rectangle, rotated rectangle, quadrilateral, right angle, freehand drawing +  
Advanced snapping during geometry editing +  
Union and splitting line, polygon, and multi-point shapes, merge, simplify, smooth, scale, rotate +  
Export (translate) vector layer (geometry and attributes) to supported vector (or image) formats +  
Export subset of vector layer (geometry and attributes) defined by extent, shape type, spatial query, and/or attribute query using SQL Query Builder with formulas +  
Export/import attribute data to/from spread sheet, database, CSV text file, JSON, GML, WKT, WKB using spatial and/or attribute query +  
Import data into vector layer +  
Create/update vector shapes by importing x,y coordinates from spread sheet, CSV text file, JSON, GML, WKT, WKB representation +  
Calculate statistics on vector layer for labels, polygon fills, symbols, charts, etc. + +
Virtual attribute fields that update dynamically for labeling, section rendering, SQL queries +  
Triangulation and Voronoi/Delaunay chart calculations +  
Topological operations: buffer, intersection, union, edge, centroid, etc. +  
Topology builder/corrector to test for and systematically clear geometry errors: polygon overlaps holes between polygons, missed line intersections and dangling nodes +  
Operation pipelining (simplified geoprocessing commands interpreter) +  
Image and Grid Operations, Analysis    
Raster/pixel layer manipulation (brightness, contrast, transparency, histograms, etc.) + +
Grid data classification methods + +
Grid wizard for using classification algorithms and color ramps + +
Calculate statistics on raster layer from pixel values; approximated option for fast calculation on large layers + +
Grid-to-polygon conversion, for vectorizing classified grids to polygons +  
Raster layer algebra engine with per pixel access, multiple channels, multiple layers, math formulas, conditional expressions, etc. +  
Vector-to-grid interpolation algorithms (Kriging, IDW, Splines), Heatmaps +  
Point cloud-to-grid conversion +  
Slope analysis +  
Contour generation (lines, polygons) from grid layer +  
Viewshed and above ground level (AGL) visibility analysis +  
Fresnel zone analysis +  
Terrain profile +  
Query for all pixels along a line or multi-line for terrain profile +  
Spatial querries against polygon or line using DE-9IM model +  
Export entire layer or subset to supported raster formats +  
TIN-to-grid conversion +  
Filters (morphological, dilation, threshold, gaussian, etc.) +  
Raster dataset creation and editing +  
OpenCL enhanced computation of some-time consuming methods (such as Viewshed analysis) for grid and vector layers +  
3D Visualization (see 3D Introduction)    
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) presentation and layer draping (see video) +  
3D vectors, extrude 2D shapes +  
3D object texturing +  
3D vector adjustment (False or Scale setting for Z & M values) +  
3D "geological" maps involving multiple DEM layers +  
Flood simulation +  
Light and shadow control +  
Camera/scene control (zooming, rotation) +  
Flyover scene record and playback +  
Volumetric line and points rendering in 3D +  
MultiPatch 3D geometry type +  
BIM (Building Information Modeling)    
Open IFC files (IFC2x3, IFC4) as layers +  
Display BIM data in 2D/3D with preserved styling +  
BIM Explorer for browsing IFC file structure, elements, and attributes, show/hide selected elements and categories, etc. +  
More BIM functionality in DK (IFC layer class) available by scripting +  
Layer Rectification    
Rectify and georeference vector/image layers to a coordinate system +  
Rectified output generated on-the-fly and instantaneously visible +  
1st, 2nd, and 3rd order polynomial transformation methods based on GCP points +  
Reference layer support using second map window +  
Merge/mosaic multiple aerial images into a single image file +  
Rectification process can be driven with scripts +  
Databases and support    
Engines: Oracle, MSSQL Server, PostgreSQL, DB2, Informix, Interbase, Firebird, MySQL, Sybase, Advantage, SAP DB, SQLite, MSJET/MDB (x32 only), etc.
Join database to vector map layer (ADO/ODBX/dbExpress) +  
Vector and raster storage in SQL and spatial database layers: read/write geometry and attributes, create tables and import data, use spatial operators for server-side spatial queries, utilize server-side spatial indexes
SQL and spatial database layer connection wizard +  
Built-in Python/Pascal/Basic scripting environment enabling full menu redesign, custom routines, command line interface, specialized features, etc.
Full Developer Kernel API access, meaning any API-provided geospatial functionality can be used in Python scripted plugins
TatukGIS designed Python IDE for writing, modifying, and debugging code; support also for Visual Studio debugging (Debugger Adapter Protocol) +  
Portable Visual Library (PVL) for custom GUI design (dialog boxes, buttons, etc.) +  
No third-party development environment required +  
Scripts easily deployed to other users as plugins +  
Scripted plugins organized under Tools/Tools Manager menu offer ready-to-use tools and features. Often-used scripts can be loaded to Tools menu for quick access. +  
Other scripts offering tutorial examples +  
GPS Support    
Live GPS tracking on projected map using NMEA standard +  
GPS emulator connectivity using NMEA standard +  
GPS panel +  
Layer rendering options to optimize tracking presentation +  
Automatic map rotation feature for in-vehicle tracking +  
Batch transfer GPS data between Editor and GPS device +  
Geocoding, reverse geocoding, optimal routing on persistent layer    
Can be implemented as a custom script using the DK TGIS_ShortestPath and TGIS_Geocoding classes. No ready-to-use script with these features is provided because functionality must be customized per map dataset.

Data Formats

The complete list of supported layer formats with supporting information presented in the documentation includes the commonly known formats listed below. The Editor can write/save/export to more than 35 of these formats.

  • Vector file:  CSV, DLG, DGN, DXF, DWG, E00, GDF, GML, GPX, GSHHS, JSON, KML, LandXML, LAS, MIF, OSM, PLY, SDTS, SHP, S57, STL, TAB, TIGER, VPF, IFC and others
  • Vector database:  ESRI Personal Geodatabase, ESRI File Geodatabase, Geomedia Access Warehouse and SQL Server Warehouse, OpenGIS SQL, TatukGIS SQL and others
  • Vector spatial database:  ESRI ArcSDE, Geomedia Oracle Object Model, Geomedia SQL Server Spatial, IBM DB2 Spatial Extender, IBM Informix Spatial Data Blade, MapInfo SpatialWare, Microsoft MSSQL Spatial Server (Katmai), Oracle Spatial/Locator, Oracle Spatial Point Cloud and TIN, PostGIS, Sybase SQL Anywhere Spatial and others
  • Vector formats via external providers:  FME, GDAL/OGR

  • Pixel file:  ADF, BIL, BMP, BT, CADRG, DEM, DT, FLT, GIF, GRD, IMG, JPEG, PNG, SDTS, STRM, TIFF/GeoTiFF and others
  • Pixel database:  TatukGIS PixelStore (pixel and grid) and others
  • Pixel spatial database:  ESRI ArcSDE Raster, Oracle GeoRaster and others
  • Pixel formats via external providers:  FME, GDAL/OGR, MrSID, ECW/ECWP, JPEG2000.

  • Protocol based (streaming):  WMS, WMTS, WFS, web tiles
Project file formats

The Editor and Viewer can open, create, fully modify, and save TatukGIS map project files. Both products additionally can open map projects created by some third-party software products: QGIS (*.qgs file), MapInfo Professional (*.wor file), ESRI ArcView 3 (*.apr file), ESRI ArcExplorer (*.aep file), and ESRI ArcGIS/ArcMap 9/10 (*.mxd file) by using the free Arc2TatukGIS plugin.