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GIS Editor

The TatukGIS Editor is a professional, general-purpose desktop GIS application for geospatial data visualization, editing, creation, mapping, modeling, and analysis, with powerful built-in scripting environment. Besides all features of the free TatukGIS Viewer, the Editor provides important additional functionality relating to:

  • create/save/export geospatial data to 35+ supported formats
  • geospatial data processing and analytical operations
  • advanced spatial database layers and database joining
  • 3D visualization of 3D vectors, DEM's, flood simulation, etc.
  • rectify/georeference vector or raster layer to a coordinate system
  • Python scripting (exposing the full TatukGIS API) for software modification and feature implementation as plug-ins
  • IFC file support for BIM data

See the product description and features list for more details. A 10-day Editor trial version is available for evaluation.

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