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Developer Kernel for Delphi

The TatukGIS Developer Kernel (DK) for Delphi edition is a professional grade GIS SDK for Embarcadero RAD Studio Delphi and C++Builder used to develop custom geospatial applications for multiple operating systems. This DK Delphi edition consists of two frameworks, VCL and FMX (FireMonkey), sharing the same functionality. VCL framework supports developing applications for Windows. FMX framework enables application development for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android.

Applications developed for iOS and Android can share the same functionality as normal desktop applications, including local data storage (vector/raster layers, SQL layers on SQLite database). In other words, iOS and Android apps are not repackaged, slimmed-down web apps requiring persistent network access or otherwise having restricted functionality. In most cases, porting a DK Delphi FMX developed Windows desktop GIS application to iOS or Android is a matter of just recompiling the same app for all platforms, though some visual controls (e.g., Layer Properties control) may require a tablet-size screen.

The DK Delphi edition features the same object-oriented API and comprehensive geospatial functionality as other DK product editions, except for differences reflecting the different technologies.

Support for RAD Studio Delphi and C++Builder includes:

  • RX10 Seattle
    • VCL: win32, win64
    • FMX: win32, win64, macOS32, iOS323), iOS64, iOS Simulator323), Android32
  • RX10.1 Berlin
    • VCL: win32, win64
    • FMX: win32, win64, macOS32, iOS323), iOS64, iOS Simulator323), Android32
  • RX10.2 Tokyo
    • VCL: win32, win64
    • FMX: win32, win64, macOS32, iOS323), iOS64, iOS Simulator323), Android32, Linux1)
  • RX10.3 Rio
    • VCL: win32, win64
    • FMX: win32, win64, macOS32, macOS642), iOS323), iOS64, iOS Simulator32,3) Android32, Android64, Linux1)
  • RX10.4 Sydney
    • VCL: win32, win64
    • FMX: win32, win64, macOS643), iOS64, Android32, Android64, Linux1)
  • RX11 Alexandria
    • VCL: win32, win64
    • FMX: win32, win64, macOS642), macOSARM642), iOS64, Android32, Android64, Linux1)
  • RX12 Athens
    • VCL: win32, win64
    • FMX: win32, win64, macOS642), macOSARM642), iOS64, Android32, Android64, Linux1)

 1) requires FmxLinux libraries; not available in Trial versions
 2) macOS64 is not currently supported with C++Builder by Embarcadero
 3) 32bit support for iOS is discontinued by Apple. From version 11.69, these libraries are removed from distribution.


Delphi GIS library, Delphi GIS SDK, GIS Delphi, Delphi GIS kit, Delphi geospatial library, Delphi GIS engine, GIS VCL, GIS FMX, FMX GIS SDK, FMX GIS library, Delphi geospatial SDK, GIS developer tools Delphi, RAD Studio GIS library, RAD Studio GIS SDK, RAD Studio GIS, Embarcadero GIS library, GIS for Delphi developers, GIS SDK for iOS, GIS SDK for Android, GIS library iOS, GIS library Android, C++Builder GIS library, C++Builder GIS toolkit, GIS SDK C++Builder, GIS SDK iOS, GIS kit iOS, GIS SDK android, C++Builder, Delphi GIS application, FMX GIS application, GIS application in Delphi, geospatial application in Delphi