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Developer Kernel 11 for ASP.NET Web Forms

May 01, 2020

TatukGIS announces version 11 of its GIS Developer Kernel (DK) for ASP.NET Web Forms, bringing its API and functionality into line with the DK11 for .NET edition.

The DK11 for ASP.NET enables existing customers to upgrade their web GIS development and applications to the latest TatukGIS technology and features. A second iteration of this product, the DK11 for ASP.NET MVC edition designed for the .NET Core framework remains under development and is expected soon.

This version includes features and improvements such as:

  • Styling and rendering improvements, including extended line styling
  • 700+ item SVG symbol library
  • Redesigned and extended support for pixel operations and grid analysis
  • Raster layer mathematics, including multiple channels, multiple layers, math formulas, conditional expressions, etc.
  • Layer statistics
  • Data classification
  • Operation pipelining
  • Vector-to-grid interpolation algorithms for Kriging, IDW, Splines, and Heatmaps
  • Grid-to-polygon conversion, for vectorizating classified grids to polygons
  • Viewshed, Above-Ground-Level (AGL) visibility, and Fresnel zone analysis
  • Dynamic shapes aggregation for simplified data presentation

A more complete description of the DK 11 API and features is found in the Developer Kernel documentation. Help upgrading to version 11 is available in the DK Migration Guide.