The new fGIS has finally arrived! TatukGIS value-added partner, TatukGIS Consulting, announces the new fGIS product, a customization built upon the TatukGIS Editor. The new fGIS is a multi-purpose, full-featured, powerful, and easy-to-use GIS application. Created by the same technical expertise behind the popular freeware fGIS program, the new fGIS provides a clear, supported upgrade path for current users of fGIS. The new fGIS is built upon the TatukGIS Editor and combines the familiar features found in fGIS with the new, powerful features found only in the TatukGIS Editor. (Note: Because the new fGIS is built upon the TatukGIS Editor, it requires the TatukGIS Editor in order to function. The TatukGIS Editor must be installed on the same computer as the new fGIS.)
As new features are added to the TatukGIS Editor, they will be made available in the new fGIS (including the upcoming full 3D rendering, second generation routing and geocoding, and orthophoto rectification). In addition, new featureswill be continuously added which are unique to the new fGIS, such as the popular ArcView Xtools and a Parcel Document Manager that will be very useful for Land Records Management.
The new fGIS can be used to create rich, detailed maps using a multitude of vector and raster data layer types. The new fGIS can be used to view and edit vector datasets stored in popular enterprise GIS database formats, including ESRI ArcSDE, Oracle Spatial, Microsoft SQL Server Spatial, and PostGIS. The new fGIS supports almost 3000 coordinate systems (including the US state coordinate systems), providing project-on-the-fly functionality for all data layers with defined coordinate systems. In addition, the new fGIS interface is fully customizable by the end-user via a powerful scripting interface that uses Basic or Pascal syntax.The new fGIS powerful editing features include joining databases to vector layers for editing, clipping, merging & buffering vector layers, generating sampling points, converting points to a polygon or line, splitting shapes, unioning shapes, subtracting & drilling polygons, appending vector layers, updating shape measurement fields (such as acres or feet), snapping to features in a vector layer, 'donut-hole' polygon creating, multi-part shape editing, topology correction for line or polygon layers, and more.
The new fGIS makes a great desktop GIS upgrade path for current users of the old fGIS, current users of ArcView 3.x (there are still a lot of you out there!), and current users of ArcGIS Desktop.
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Northern Highland Forest Cover Types |
Turlen, Switzerland Contours |
Austin Airport |
Click here to see a high-quality 8 1/2 minute video demonstration of fGIS.