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Developer Kernel for Python

October 18, 2022

A new edition of the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (DK) designed for the popular Python programming language is now available, without additional license cost, to all DK licensed developers with active support maintenance. This includes customers using a DK product edition released previously for the Delphi, .NET, ASP.NET, Java, or ActiveX platforms. The DK product documentation and dozens of source code samples are ported to Python.

Built using the same approach as built-in Python classes, the Developer Kernel for Python behaves like any other Python package, is compatible with any IDE supporting Python (Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, PyScripter, PyCharm), and provides context-aware code completion. The SDK can be used with other Python packages, such as NumPy, Matplotlib (see example), etc., to create custom scripts for geospatial data processing.

The DK for Python incorporates the same comprehensive, object-oriented API and geospatial functionality as other DK product editions, except for differences required by the different technologies.

Other DK Python information:

  • Development on Windows, macOS, and Linux (x64) of applications for the same operating systems.
  • Compatible with Jupyter Notebook (see example).
  • Built on top the DK for Delphi FMX as a .pyd file; based on python4delphi.
  • DK Python created applications can be with or without the FMX GUI.
  • Installable as a Wheel (.whl) from the TatukGIS private PyPi repository.