News TatukGIS Releases the DK-ActiveX v. 8.4 Upgrade TatukGIS announces the version 8.4 upgrade release of the GIS Developer Kernel toolkit product as an ActiveX control, with a new trial version and 45 updated samples in VB, VB.NET, and C#. An updated Visual C++ wrapper is available for VC++ developers. With this upgrade, the DK-ActiveX product fully reflects the latest advancements of the TatukGIS GIS map engine. February 06, 2006 TatukGIS DK Used for Homeland Security and Military Mission Planning Software The TatukGIS Developer Kernel (DK) product has been used by the Israeli company IDAN Computers Ltd for the GIS and graphics rendering functionality in its popular IMPS™ Mission Planning System and Oblivision™ image handling and analysis technology. These products are used for mission planning and situational awareness management by military, homeland security, law-enforcement, emergency rescue, fire response, municipal planning, forestry, electric utility, and other customers in a number of countries. January 02, 2006 TatukGIS Customer Uses the DK for NATO Military Interoperability Solution Gs-soft AG, based in Switzerland, has been developing software products for military organizations for the last 15 years. Gs-soft selected the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (DK) product to develop the newest product line of its smartMIP solution, a modular and service oriented army command and control information system. The TatukGIS DK was chosen for this project with the design goal of full integration of the GIS into the military workflow. October 07, 2005 TatukGIS Releases the AIC v. 2.0 Upgrade TatukGIS announces the release of the version 2.0 of the Aerial Imagery Correct product for rectifying, georeferencing, mosaicing aerial photos, satellite images, and scanned maps to geographical coordinate systems. The version 2.0 is provided as a free upgrade for all AIC licensed users, regardless of how long ago the AIC license was purchased. October 06, 2005 TatukGIS Releases the GIS Developer Kernel (VCL) 8.1 with New Evaluation Version The TatukGIS Developer Kernel is a comprehensive GIS development toolkit designed for the creation of custom GIS software applications and solutions. Version 8.1 provides significant new features and enhancements, including: Final support for native/manageable .NET under Delphi 2005; Much faster performance with SQL database map layers July 11, 2005 TatukGIS Announces PixelStore v. 2 for Huge Raster Image Layers TatukGIS now supports version 2 of the TatukGIS PixelStore format in TatukGIS products. PixelStore v. 2 adds the following: Support for storing PixelStore images in any SQL server database product. (The original PixelStore version supported only Borland® Interbase™ for SQL server layers, as well as Microsoft® JET database on a local PC.) June 29, 2005 TatukGIS Releases Desktop GIS Editor TatukGIS is pleased to announce the release of GIS Editor, the big brother product of the very popular free TatukGIS Viewer. The Editor supports all the formats, features, and functionality of the free Viewer, plus features to digitize/edit vector geometry and attributes, convert between vector file types, import/export attribute data, merge vector layers, build and correct topology, unions and splitting, clipping, buffers, etc February 15, 2005 The Developer Kernel VCL.NET The Developer Kernel (VCL) upgrade supporting both Win32 and preliminary native, manageable .NET with Delphi 2005 is now available for licensed users. December 31, 2004 TatukGIS IS LITE Used for Hawaii School District Planning Solution The following description of the use of the TatukGIS Internet Server LITE product for the demographic planning needs of the State of Hawaii school system was provided by TatukGIS client Proximity. Proximity has been a DK-VCL licensed user since August, 2004 and an IS LITE licensed user since October, 2004. November 30, 2004 Photogrammetric Flight Planning Product Developed from the TatukGIS DK Switzerland based TatukGIS customer Flotron AG recently released the TopoFlight software product for the precise planning and cost budgeting of flight paths for the collection of photogrammetric imagery and other data. A key feature of this product is the use of Digital Terrain Models (DTM) to calculate in advance the distortions in the aerial image coverage area caused by elevation differences of the terrain, and to plan the flight paths taking this into account. November 15, 2004 TatukGIS DK Used to Develop Dade County (Miami), Florida RE Map Server Solution In an article published in the August/September issue of Earth Observation Magazine (, TatukGIS customer Gary Ostroff describes a web based real estate data management application recently implemented for Dade Country, Florida. In the article Mr. Ostroff explains that this web based solution was developed using the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (VCL) and IntraWeb products in a Delphi development environment. November 12, 2004 The Poland Office of Geodesy and Cartography Purchases GIS Topology Corrector Packaged wi... Pursuant to a contract to provide 400 offices of the Polish National Geodesy and Cartography Administration (GŁÓWNY URZĄD Geodezji i Kartografii - GUGiK) with an application to build and correct GIS vector topology, the Polish GIS solutions provider Fin Skog Geomatics persuaded TatukGIS to allow the topology corrector unit to be packaged together with the TatukGIS Viewer. September 27, 2004 Wisconsin Forestry Creates Forestry GIS Product from the TatukGIS Developer Kernel The following comments were contributed by Brian Brown, the University of Wisconsin Forestry software developer who used the TatukGIS DK-VCL to create the Forestry GIS (fGIS) application now in use by forestry professionals in the State of Wisconsin and beyond. September 23, 2004 Framework Archaeology Deploys DK-based GIS Archaeological Application The following description of this TatukGIS DK based application was provided by Niall Donald, with Oxford Archaeology. Niall has been a DK-VCL licensed user since March, 2002 Framework Archaeology deploys a DK based viewer to distribute the data recovered from one of Europe's largest archaeological excavations at Terminal 5, London Heathrow airport. August 30, 2004 DK Based Wild Fire Fighting GIS Solution Implemented in British Columbia The following article was published in and describes a woodland fire fighting and emergency response solution which was created from the TatukGIS Developer Kernel by Canadian DK licensed user Emergeo Solutions. This solution was first implemented by the the British Columbia Office of the Fire Commissioner in the summer of 2004. Emergeo and related partners have been working with the DK since May, 2003. July 07, 2004 Australian Customer Releases DK Based Farm Management Software Product The farm management application described below was developed by Darren Bruning, in Hawthorn East in the state of Victoria, Australia, using the Developer Kernel (VCL). Darren has been a DK licensed user since March, 2003 April 26, 2004 TatukGIS Internet Server Used for Polish National Integrated Cadastral System A consortium composed of the Polish subsidiary of the USA information technology company Hewlett-Packard and the Gdynia, Poland based GIS solutions provider Fin Skog Geomatics International ( has fulfilled the first component of the new centralized Integrated Electronic Cadastral IT System for Poland. This project, officially documented under the procurement notice Integrating Electronic Platform (IPE) and IT System for Real Estate Mass Appraisal (PTN) - EuropeAid/113701/D/SV/PL, was f... April 20, 2004 Brooklyn, N.Y. Premium On-line Real Estate Mapping Resource Created from the TatukGIS DK This news announcement, describing this new and unique on-line real-estate mapping resource created from the TatukGIS Developer Kernel toolkit, was published in January on the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce web site. January 31, 2004 Lincoln, Nebraska Police Department Selects the TatukGIS Free Viewer The police department in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska (pop. 232,000) has selected the TatukGIS Free Viewer for deployment in the mobile computers in each of the department's police cars, making the TatukGIS Viewer part of the standard selection of software in the vehicle fleet. In the words of Tom Casady, the Lincoln Chief of Police. January 20, 2004 DK Developer in Argentina Creates GIS Marketing and Stolen Car Recovery Solutions Digital Map has developed two interesting custom GIS solutions from the DK-VCL toolkit for corporate clients in Argentina: i) the GPS computer map tracking functionality used with the LoJack Corporation (a USA company) stolen car recovery system, and ii) a marketing solution for the Argentine operations of the French hypermarket chain, Carrefour December 22, 2003 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8