I’m a GIS developer at Sogeti Sverige AB in Sweden. Having had previous experience with ArcGIS/ArcObjects products, I am extremely impressed with TatukGIS Developer Kernel as a lightweight versatile component with broad support for multiple development environments and GIS platforms for a very low cost. During my visit at TatukGIS in Gdynia earlier this year I was even more impressed by the professionalism - the future is looking bright for TatukGIS.
My recent project was the development of Skogsägarplan, a .NET software for implementing forestry management plans with forest simulations, for use by the forestry management companies and forest owners in Sweden. Using the TatukGIS DK.NET edition, with ease we integrated the Skogsägarplan software with a web frontend, a WMS-server, and external systems in use around Sweden, e.g. METRIA’s TimmerWeb and Södra skogsägarna’s iOS app. This shows just how versatile the TatukGIS DK component is for importing/exporting/converting data to a broad number of systems and formats with ease.
Joakim Åström
Architect / GIS expert
Umeå, Sweden
(Related item: 2014 News)