TatukGIS menu

Developer Kernel Customers

Selected companies and organizations that have licensed the TatukGIS Developer Kernel. Industry categorization is on a best efforts basis.


Aerial Survey, Drones, Photogrammetry, LiDAR

Agriculture Management, Planning, & Optimization

Archaeology Services

Aviation, Flight Simulation, Flight Planning & Management

Cadastral Mapping, Survey, Land/RE Management, Property Taxation

Civil Engineering, Infrastructure Asset Management, Project Design & Approval, Geotechnical, Hydrology

Ecology, Forest Conservation, Biodiversity, Hunting & Fisheries Management

Electricity, Gas & Water Utilities, Network Analysis, Infrastructure Asset Mgmt., Pipe Inspection, Hydrologic Modeling, Rainfall Data Analytics

Energy, Oil & Gas, Mining, Pipelines, Wind

Environmental & Water Resources Engineering, Bioremediation, Air Pollution Modeling, Noise & Acoustic Modeling

Forestry Management, Planning, & Simulation

Geospatial Marketing & Demographic Data Analysis, School District Planning

Government Scientific Research and Development

Health Care, Medical Research & Services

Logistics, Supply Chain Mgmt., Fleet Mgmt., Public Transportation, Route Optimization

Marine and Offshore Infrastructure, Engineering, Sonar, Survey

Meteorology, Weather Information and Research, Storm Tracking

Military, National Defense, Homeland Security

Miscellaneous Applications, Consulting Services

Mobile Workforce Management, Computer Aided Dispatch, Scheduling, Geocoding

Municipality Management, Asset Inspection, Urban Planning, Property Ownership Registration

Police, Fire, Emergency Response, Civil Defense, Contingency Planning, Security

Telecommunications Asset Management, Radio Communications, Frequency Coverage & Network Design

Transportation Infrastructure Asset Management, Traffic Technologies, Crash Data Management, Road Inventory, Automated Guidance Vehicles

Universities & Academic Institutions