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Using GDAL / OGR library

TatukGIS Editor and Viewer (as well as Developer Kernel) is capable to utilize GDAL / OGR libraries.

By default we try to open layers using our built-in drivers. When layer is not recognize we try to open layer using GDAL (for pixel layers) or OGR (for vector layers) driver.

However you can add a hint to a project file of how to open layer using particular driver. For example you can add into TTKGP file:


  [TatukGIS Layer1]

  [TatukGIS Layer2]

It will change the priority:

  • we will try to country.shp with OGR before trying our built-in drivers
  • we will try to aerial.jpg with GDAL before trying our built-in drivers.
GDAL17.dll (which also includes OGR drivers) is included in a Viewer and Editor distribution and will be included in a future Developer Kernel distributions as well.
Posted: May 10, 2010
Filed under: DK, EDT, GDAL, VWR